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Polar Bear Coats are cheaper than ever

You might wanna buy at least a half dozen of these Polar Bear Coats right now because we just got a big stash in for Halloween and we don't want them anymore so now we're gonna sell them. Our brainiac friend told us to make them cheaper and that will help us get rid of them faster. So we did that.

$20 off + free shipping

They're now $179 and still ship for free. Did we mention how flexible they are? Leadership roundtables worldwide have reached a consensus: you can never go wrong with Griz Casual dress. So now when you leave your daytime fintech VC job to head to your evening backhoe gig, there's no need to go home and change in between. 

Are they good for Halloween too?

Weird question, but we'll entertain it. Some folks do wear these things for Halloween, and while we don't officially sanction that use because, ya know, it's not a costume, it's a may ultimately do as you wish, so long as you have a signed permission slip.


San Francisco, CA 94114 United States

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